Sunday, February 10

Diddy daddle.

I was flipping channels the other day, and up comes a commercial for the TV adaptation of A Raisin in the Sun, starring none other than P. Diddy.

Excuse me, I mean Sean Combs.

There was something about Mr. Diddy-Combs' performance in the commercial that didn't ring true. I remember when this stage production was on Broadway a couple years ago, and Diddy/Sean was greeted with middling reviews. But I couldn't figure out why he seemed so fake, so unbelievable in the clips on the commercial.

I continued channel surfing, and the answer was revealed to me.

On MTV was an episode of Diddy's show "Making the Band." The Didster was laying in to one of the contestants on the show, who apparently had a bad attitude. His words were so...striking...that I actually wrote them down:

DIDDY: There's a very contagious disease in our community. The disease of bitchassness.

Okay, sorry, before we continue, I have to preface: Diddy was delivering these lines with the utmost, intense seriousness. Now where were we...

DIDDY: There's a very contagious disease in our community. The disease of bitchassness. Do you have some bitchassness in you? DO YOU???? Because I saw some bitchassness in you when you were talking to your girl. There will be NO BITCHASSNESS at Bad Boy Records.

See, I totally believed P'Sean Diddicombs in that scene. Which is, I suppose, why I didn't believe him in the other. Lorraine Hansberry, I hope you're taking notes.

Please God someone end the writers' strike.


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