Saturday, November 10

Strike two.

So, you can't watch new TV shows, or see a Broadway play.

Good thing you can read a book, rent a movie, go to the cinema, ride a bike, catch up with an old friend, call your mom, hit the gym, write a letter, surf the internet, learn to knit, get some work done, re-enact historical events, get your hair cut, dress up real nice, go out for sushi, take a stroll, sit in the park, go shopping, visit the zoo, see a ballet, check out some downtown theater, clean your apartment, write a song, plant a tree, ride the subway aimlessly, take a roadtrip, go to a museum, go shopping, buy a used book, listen to some music, attend a symphony, sit in a coffeeshop, drive somewhere new, look up your exes online, sew up the holes in your old pants, mail some postcards, invent a new recipe, throw a party, do your dishes, start a website, read the paper, do a crossword puzzle, refine your sudoku skills, look up a new word, start studying a new language, sell some stuff on eBay, ask someone out on a date, buy a present for someone, donate your old clothes, go to the top of the Empire State Building, balance your checkbook, draw a picture, go out for a beer, polish your dance moves, make a new friend, spellcheck your email, recycle, drink hot chocolate, talk politics, do jumping jacks, plan a vacation, put on the radio, do the robot, think of something profound, organize your receipts, have people over for wine and Oreos, examine your life choices, pet a dog, fall in love, dump someone, make sure all your clocks were set back an hour, dust off your tap shoes, make your bed, sleep late, wake up early, update your resume, sketch out your family tree, play Twister, start a poker night, volunteer somewhere, do karaoke, dust, carve a pumpkin, blog.


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